Tuesday 12 June 2012

Don't worry, I'm not dead yet!

As Tegan kindly reminded me. I've not posted since Friday. This isn't because I've been kidnapped or killed but because I've been busy!
I had the weekend off (or rather took it off as trauma was covered by the French students!)
On Sunday I was rudely awoken to the security system complaining. Unfortunately Alan was doing a locum shift, and I didn't know the code to turn it off. After a frantic few phone call ingot through and got the code, BUT THIS THING WOULDN'T GIVE UP. It went off three times. With about a two minute break between them! a perimeter sweep (in my bare feet - not recommended when it's 2degrees) revealed nothing touching the fence, but did mean that the security guards (guns out) turned up just as I was doing a very poor impression of a lookout in my pyjamas. Luckily they were convinced that I was just a mentalist who didn't know what was going on.
In between my checks to make sure a burglar wasn't breaking in, the two new med students arrived. They are from Newcastle and are based at the General not Bara, but are also doing trauma.
To get them settled in we had a big BBQ Sunday night (and ate a hideous amount of food - including clove sausages) luscious!
Monday was back at the hospital. I spent the day in the pit again seeing a variety of weird and wonderful things including but not limited to:
  • A woman who "ran into a tv" splitting her forehead from hairline to eyebrows down to the bone (for "ran into tv" tea "boyfriend hit her with the handle of a machete after throwing her across the room)
  • A 5 year old kid who got hit by a car pulling away at a stop sign, who looked to have just a few cuts and scrapes but actually had a massive frontal bone fracture on (head CTs are rationed here) and further investigation revealed a small epidural haematoma and a fractured c1 (although we are really hoping that it's just not fused yet!)
  • A man who fell asleep drunk in front of his paraffin heater and gave himself a massive partial thickness burn a month and a half ago and then paid a "specialist" to heal it... It's now slouchy and infected and manky
  • 2 dog bites
  • 2 sets of stab wounds (one arm, one chest)
  • A septic spider bite (see spiders are dangerous)
  • A man who was mugged, ran away and cut his foot open. Left it a day before coming in so it was swollen open and manky. Here their suture window is a little bigger, but my oh my that was difficult to suture
  • A woman who was beaten with a pipe all over her body - sent it because a clinic was worried she had a crush injury.
  • A man who was shot in the legs 6 times by the police
  • A man who almost sliced off all 5 digits on his right hand with an angle grinder whilst "trimming a tree" (apparently there's an attachment for it) and LUCKILY just sheared off all the flesh.

AND SO MUCH MORE. I could go on but it would get boring. I stayed to do a night shift (as there were no students) and it was a VERY quiet night. NOTHING came in after midnight. NOTHING.
I should mention that here a "night" means the day and the night. I got home at 9.30 this morning after being up for 28h. Mental.
This morning new medical students joined the trauma department. A couple are also from Newcastle and so know the boys staying here. We all had BIG plans to go and get a meal somewhere but they fell apart, so we just had a house thrown together meal of pasta kind-of-carbonara. As the boys were cooking I popped to Spar when we realised there was no cream. Unfortunately it was closed, and the nice security patrol men offered me a lift to the garage down the road but I declined "my mother taught me not to get into cars with strange men - especially not those with guns" after that comment they thought I was the bantersaurus Rex or "crazy English girl walking after dark" (as they AFFECTIONATELY called me) and curb crawled me all the way to the front door... SAFETY FIRST.
I have to go to sleep now Tegan. Sorry this was in a rush!

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