Tuesday 5 June 2012

My first day...

Or what was supposed to be my first day!
At the meeting yesterday with many many frenchies (who are here for 2 weeks) it was explained we could pretty much come and go as we wished and do anything we'd been taught (either here or at home). In general that it was all pretty chill.
So it was decided that I'd have a whale of a time in trauma, and then I could dander across to medicine if there was nothing going in trauma.
Because this meeting took forever, I ha to go and get my swipe card this morning (instead of yesterday arvo) unfortunately the "regular shuttle bus" service consists of three a day 0650, 1150 and 1530... SUPER REGULAR. So I had to head in on the lunchtime bus. LUCKILY seeing as after a 45min bus journey to be told that the consultant you're supposed to be under is not there and no one else knows you're coming is SLIGHTLY annoying. Luckily, the return bus left at 13h from the hospital thinking I could get the shuttle to the mall and get some real shopping but the shuttle only runs to the mall on the weekend. Pfft. I am currently making my way back to the flat to dump all my work stuff, get my card activated to swipe me through the security at the junction and ask the lady where I can go to get food (seeing as I'm surrounded by "dodgy areas" I'm definitely not allowed in.
Only bright side of the day is saw these bad boys casually growing through a hedge!

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