Tuesday 26 June 2012

Practising medicine... Literally

I suppose the best thing about being out here is that you get to give everything a try - this is also the worst thing. Patients don't seem to care when you explain that you're a student and that you're going to do so and so procedure on them (probably because at least it's getting done!).

So I left off with our last day of ATLS, which was good fun. We got to play Sister Hope Less, in which we offered absolutely no help, and made ridiculous mistakes so that they got stressed (and then we were nice in their exam scenario)
One of the boys from Newcastle was being the "patient" who had a GCS of 8 and I learnt a new way to test response to pain - NIPPLE CRIPPLE, not once but twice, I thought I was going to die of laughter.
Anyway, we finished at lunch time and we had made plans to have a braii at ours, so we went home and I fell asleep on the sofa. When I woke up the boys had foraged for a mountain of drink and food. Excellent hunter-gathering. We got a good crew going, had a barbecue and then hit the town! We went to downtown Joberg, to a bar called Kitchener's and boogied the night away. Amazeballs. I was home by 2am because I was super super tired, shortly followed by one of my housemates and a girl we'd said could crash on the spare bed in my room (do she could come out after the BBQ) and then the last 2 warriors finally strolled in at 4am.
One of our party did not even make it out the front door though: after chugging a bottle of red wine, and a beer for a ring of fire violation he painted the downstairs toilet red (and broke one of the decorative wall plates) whoops!
Saturday evening I went in for what should have been a 24h call, but I was in no fit state! It was a bit of a slow night, with the classic stabbings, beatings, shootings etc. nothing new for the books!
Monday was the start at Bara for the two Newcastle boys who were at Joberg general - the man running the ATLS course is the consultant in charge at the moment, so we asked if they could jump over to Bara (especially as we were short on students!).
It was very nice not having to get a cab in, or be late because I was riding in with the dr who owns this house. It was also very nice being able to go home after ward work was finished at 11!!
Unfortunately I've got a lurgie, so Tuesday morning was spent foraging for lemsips and throat sweets before heading into the hospital for a 24h on call shift. I arrived about 3 after spending an 1h15m in a cab driving there because of traffic!
Luckily the night call was trickle-y... There weren't enough patients to rush us off our feet, and we did spend a while twiddling our thumbs, but there was enough to keep us going! Everyone took a nap but moi (as I have learnt my lesson about sleeping in those chairs) and we were lucky enough to be out the door by 8.30am! Winner!
Tomorrow is my last shift at Bara. I'm doing a 24h call, rushing home and then getting my flight at 12 to cape town. It's going to add probably another 500rand (£50) to my already £400 cab bill unless I get a lift back from the hospital (which hopefully I will!) but there is really no other way to get to the airport!
I really hadn't prepared (or budgeted) for having to pay £30 each way to the hospital every day and I'm pretty glad that I won't be doing it anymore!
Next post will be from cape town!


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